Mountain Terrain in Sri Lanka
I remember listening to an interview with a popular singer many years ago. In it, he was talking about one of his biggest hit songs. Apparently, the song had been shelved and forgotten by the record company, until a young, unnamed lady who was employed by them, stumbled on to it. When she brought it to the attention of the Producers and it was released, it turned out to be a huge hit for the singer.
Sadly, the name of the lady who re-discovered the song was not mentioned on the interview.
I want to write this Devotional along those lines. It is about unnamed people, who were nevertheless effective messengers for the Lord. There are many examples in scripture, but I can only highlight a few of them in this short devotional.
Biblical Ilustrations:
In 2 Kings 5:3, an unnamed Hebrew slave girl became an effective messenger for God. She encouraged her Syrian master Naaman (through his wife), to go to the Prophet Elisha in Samaria, to receive God’s healing for his leprosy. As we read further in the chapter, we find that Naaman did receive a powerful healing when he eventually met Elisha (2 Kings 5:14). It all started however with the unnamed slave girl’s advice!
She was an unnamed, but nevertheless, effective messenger for the Lord.
In the same chapter, when Naaman haughtily refused to obey Elisha’s instructions to wash in the Jordan River, once again his unnamed servants spoke up (2 Kings 5:13). These servants seemed to have more faith in what could happen through obeying God’s Word, than Naaman. As a result, Naaman went in to the Jordan River and received a rejuvenated and healed body (skin). It happened, because the servants spoke up!
They were unnamed, yet nevertheless, effective messengers for God.
1 Kings 13:1-6, talks about yet another unnamed person; this time, a Prophet from Judah. His words spoke directly to the heart of Israel’s apostasy. God confirmed his prophetic words and even healed King Jeroboam through the Prophet’s prayers (1 Kings 13:5-6).
He too, was an unnamed, yet effective messenger for God!
Key Illustration:
That brings me to the main passage I wish to focus on, in this devotional. David, who became the greatest King in all of Israel, is a character whose life and story has inspired millions through history. He was known as a man after God’s heart (Acts 13:22) and was the benchmark around whom worship styles were built in the Old Testament (and even today). But, prior to his success, although he had been anointed as future King over Israel by the Prophet Samuel(1 Samuel 16:13), David’s dreams of becoming a King and a worship maestro, were far, far, away.
So, the question is, how did David enter King Saul’s palace and get used to Royal life? How did he train as a warrior (he became an armor bearer for Saul – 1 Samuel 16:21)? How did he end up being a back-up musician in Saul’s royal band? Who spoke up for him and gave him the break he needed?
Hear this!! It’s powerful!! It was because an unnamed servant spoke up and recommended David’s brilliant playing of the harp (In today’s world it would possibly be a guitar) to Saul!! He also spoke about David’s valor, oratory and faith (1 Samuel 16:18). This is where David’s palace journey began.
An unnamed servant, yet an effective messenger for God’s purposes!
So, where am I headed in this devotional? In a world of celebrities (sometimes even in Christian circles), it is to honor and encourage the unnamed men and women who serve God, whose names may never be properly known. That includes Sunday School and other teachers, youth leaders, Counselors, choir singers, mothers, fathers, mentors, and the list goes on!! It’s people like you! God and His Kingdom is greatly blessed by what you faithfully and lovingly do, even though your name may never be known publicly. (Let’s also remember the many unknown people who work tirelessly to ensure that our nation keeps moving day and night).
So, keep on doing what you do so well! You may be unnamed, but you can continue to be an effective messenger for Jesus.
In closing, maybe we could ask ourselves; ‘whose life can I impact’?, ‘who can I speak up for’?, ‘whom can I recommend for a job’?, ‘whom can I encourage or train in a skill?’ or ‘whom can I share Jesus with?’. And, friends in Sri Lanka, after the devastating floods, and now a deadly virus, maybe it’s time to ask, ‘whom can I help and encourage so that their shattered lives could be rebuilt’? Your influence may well last for generations!!
May this world and every nation be filled with children of God who will be unnamed, yet effective messengers for Christ !!
Question – Are there any other unnamed persons in scripture that have inspired you? Please feel free to add your comments below.
Samson’s confident mother-The unnamed Woman who was married to Manoah.
A humble woman. May have been illiterate n depended on her husband. Although grateful for a son of such unusual strength this mother also would ve grieved over her son’s selfishness n disobedience. But this humble mother’s prayers would ve played a part in the contribution her son made as a deliverer of his people. This unnamed woman will be remembered as a believing woman who left her testimony. Every woman must not listen only for God’s direction but obey Him even in the minutest detail.