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The influence and efforts of mothers are celebrated around the world this week. We thank God for every mother. In this Devotional, we  highlight a mother whose decision of courage and faith, affected ALL of mankind for good.

The Example of Mary as a Mother:

“How will this be, since I am a virgin”? (Luke 1:34)

Mary, the mother of Jesus, asked this question when the angel Gabriel brought her an astounding message (Luke 1:26-33). She was chosen to give birth to the Messiah, the Son of God, as a virgin!! (Luke 1:32, 35). Obviously in shock, and puzzled, Mary asked, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” This was a question of wonder, not of unbelief, as she grappled with how such an amazing thing could actually take place? How she could be the mother of the Messiah?  The angel answered, “The power of the Most High will overshadow you…For nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:35-37).

Mary, with childlike faith and wonder, replied “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said” (vs 38). She accepted God’s word by faith, even though a broken engagement and neighborhood gossip were a very real possibility. (It would take decades for people to believe her story!!). Her decision however, brought God’s greatest gift to mankind in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

Friend, when God gives you a promise or calls you to a great task, accept it by faith like Mary, no matter how impossible it may seem. Be confident that He will surely fulfill it, in His time. If you are prone to question, ‘How will this be?’, like Mary, may it be a question of wonder and childlike faith, not one of unbelief. God was faithful to Mary in her role as a mother and he will be faithful to you too!

Many mothers and women in the Bible influenced their nation and beyond. Mary however as a mother, was a blessing to the entire world!

Prayer Lord, give me the same childlike faith that Mary had. May I trust all your promises in the calling you have given me.

Act on God’s promises by faith!

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