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Easter: 4 Inspiring Thoughts On The Resurrection

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As we approach Easter, I would like to base this sermon outline on 1 Corinthians 15, which is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. From this chapter, I will be sharing 4 vital truths penned by the Apostle Paul on the resurrection. They are:

1) The Resurrection is an established fact

From verses 5-8, Paul lists those who actually saw the Lord Jesus after the Resurrection. In fact, this passage reveals at least 5 appearances of Christ after the Resurrection, besides His appearance to Paul himself. These had to be vibrant, real-life encounters as those who saw the risen Christ were willing to lay down their lives joyfully for Him (Refer verse 30-33)  . The amazing thing is that they were willing to do so even though no noticeable, tangible benefits would seemingly accrue to them!!


The Victorious Power of the Cross Is Yours Today (Colossians 2:13-15)

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Introduction: It is said that Billy Graham once attributed the large number of responses to his sermons on one central theme. It was, that he always drew attention in his sermons to the Lord Jesus Christ and to ‘the power of the cross’.

As we draw close to Good Friday, it’s good to remind ourselves of the power of the cross and what the Lord accomplished through His mighty sacrifice. Although the cross was a symbol of execution at that time (much like an electric chair today), God’s saving power in full was revealed at the cross. It symbolized the greatest rescue mission the world has ever seen!!

From Colossians 2:13-15, I would like to leave 3 thoughts about ‘The Power of the Cross’ in this sermon outline. They are:


Devotional: A Heart of Thankfulness (Thanks Giving)

Devotional on Psalm 107 for Thanks Giving: A Heart of Thankfulness

“O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever.” (Psalm 107:1)

Soul singer Lionel Ritchie was once deeply impacted by a speech in which his father had honored his mother, on their 37th wedding anniversary. In his speech, Ritchie Senior had lovingly given thanks to his wife for sticking by him through the ups and downs of life. Said Lionel, “What a great story because I pass through my house every day and I don’t say thank you. I just take for granted that certain things be done”. That speech moved him to compose one of his best loved songs, ‘Three Times a Lady’.


Video Sermon: Being a Witness for Jesus

This 5 point video sermon, focusing on being a witness for Christ, is part of a series on the Book of Acts, being covered at People’s Church in Sri Lanka. May it challenge you as you watch. The video starts with the powerful singing of Desmond Fernando, singing ‘The Blood of Jesus’ and ‘God of the Mountains’. I love his voice!

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