As we approach Easter, I would like to base this sermon outline on 1 Corinthians 15, which is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. From this chapter, I will be sharing 4 vital truths penned by the Apostle Paul on the resurrection. They are:
1) The Resurrection is an established fact
From verses 5-8, Paul lists those who actually saw the Lord Jesus after the Resurrection. In fact, this passage reveals at least 5 appearances of Christ after the Resurrection, besides His appearance to Paul himself. These had to be vibrant, real-life encounters as those who saw the risen Christ were willing to lay down their lives joyfully for Him (Refer verse 30-33) . The amazing thing is that they were willing to do so even though no noticeable, tangible benefits would seemingly accrue to them!!
From verse 9-11, Paul also recounts his journey from persecuter to Preacher, and thereafter questions the validity of our faith if there was no Resurrection. But he triumphantly exclaims in verse 20, “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead”.
Paul could say this emphatically because he, and so many others, including over 500 people at one sitting, had literally met the risen Christ! From there on, right through history, the risen Christ has transformed millions of lives and families. It therefore shows how very much ‘Alive’, Jesus is! As shown in verse 10, the resurrection power that worked in Paul, still operates around the world today. It is seen in the lives of people who are transformed and healed. I know it, because I have personally experienced his saving power and healing.
2) It shows the supremacy of Christ
Although it may have seemed like satan was victorious at the Garden of Gethsemane and maybe even at Calvary, the resurrection changed all that! It is also good to remind ourselves that at the cross, Jesus did not say, ‘‘I am finished’’. Instead, He said “It is finished”. The power of sin and death had been shattered forever and the resurrection confirmed it!
From verses 24-26, the Apostle Paul specifies that Christ is victorious over all dominion, authority, power, enemies, the systems of the world and the sting of death.
As someone said, ‘We therefore shouldn’t be focusing on the undertaker, but on the Uppertaker!”
(You can read another sermon on ‘Finding victory against overwhelming odds’ here.)
3) The resurrection provides a changed future
Paul refers to being changed in the following ways:
a) From sin (verse 33-34)
b) From death to life (verse 35-38)
c) From a perishable body to a glorified body (verse 42-44)
I am reminded of I Corinthians 2:9 that says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him” (NLT). Therefore, let’s look forward to our glorious future!
‘The greatest message of comfort to the believer is the hope of the resurrection and the second coming, for it is the undoing of all that death has done for 6000 years’ (unknown).
4) The empty tomb calls us to urgent action
In verse 58, Paul says, “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain”. It’s an urgent call to be steadfast in our faith, to be like Jesus, and to serve Him where He has placed us. Therefore, our labor for the Lord will never be in vain and the Spirit of God will bring forth powerful results.
‘We are not called to prove the resurrection we are called to preach it”.
As we look at the 4 thoughts shared in this sermon outline, let’s allow the Lord to make the power of the Resurrection come alive in our hearts today. We serve an all conquering Savior! Therefore, RIP for the child of God will never mean ‘Rising if possible’!!!
‘The risen Christ makes Easter the key that opens the door to fullness of life”.
May you have a blessed Easter!
To download a sermon on ‘Becoming Fruitful Through Affliction’ click here.