Category: Devotionals (Page 5 of 6)
“You are a shield around me, O Lord; You bestow glory on me and lift up my head”. (Psalm 3:3)
Too often at social meetings, worship meetings and at hospitals, I see people with their heads hanging low, bowed down by the burdens they are carrying. Some of them may have no one to talk to, while others show no hope in their eyes. They are desperately looking for answers. Many more have resigned themselves to the challenges they are battling with.
What about you? Is your head bowed down today because of a burden you are carrying? Are you desperate for God to come through? For Him to ‘lift up your head’?

Photo credit – Bethany Krueger – courtesy of flickr
Hi Friends, in our last post we shared 4 prayer pointers from the life of Nehemiah. They were,
- He prayed fervently
- His focus was on the greatness of the One he was praying to
- He prayed for favor
- His prayer included the promises of God
Today, we will look at 3 more prayer thoughts from Nehemiah. They are,
The book of Nehemiah is one that is filled with courage, effective leadership, faith, motivation, a great sense of adventure and a desire to honor God. Upon receiving information that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down and in ruins and the gates burned with fire, Nehemiah clearly understood the dangers and disgrace involved (Nehemiah 1:3). It meant the city was unprotected, probably a laughing stock, with its security under grave threat from enemies. (Today we are battling with an unseen enemy that has crossed most borders in the form of a dangerous virus). He therefore resolved to do something about it. This great task that he undertook and finished efficiently was covered by much prayer.
The writer of the passage, David, was obviously facing extreme dangers when he wrote this beautiful Psalm. His enemies were waiting in the shadows (v 2) to shoot their arrows at him (v 2). This could refer to verbal attacks & very definitely, to attacks on his life. King Saul had already been using him as target practice to enhance his skills in javelin throwing (1 Samuel 19:10)! In verse 3, David speaks about his very foundation being destroyed. At this point, it seems like David’s close friends had encouraged him to flee to safety.
Let’s look at how David responded to this extreme challenge.
Devotional For Father’s Day:
As the world prepares to celebrate Father’s Day, it is our joy to present this devotional about a special biblical father. We would like to focus on the life of Joseph, the earthly father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Bible shows us the following characteristics about Joseph.
Lessons For Father’s Day:
1) He was a righteous man – Matthew 1:19 says, ‘Because Joseph… was a righteous man’. This desire to do what was right is clearly seen in the way he handled Mary’s pregnancy, Jesus’ birth, and the challenge of being a father to the Savior of the world. His moral behavior too was exemplary as seen in Matthew 1:25.

Mountain Terrain in Sri Lanka
I remember listening to an interview with a popular singer many years ago. In it, he was talking about one of his biggest hit songs. Apparently, the song had been shelved and forgotten by the record company, until a young, unnamed lady who was employed by them, stumbled on to it. When she brought it to the attention of the Producers and it was released, it turned out to be a huge hit for the singer.
Sadly, the name of the lady who re-discovered the song was not mentioned on the interview.
I want to write this Devotional along those lines. It is about unnamed people, who were nevertheless effective messengers for the Lord. There are many examples in scripture, but I can only highlight a few of them in this short devotional.
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