Category: Sermons (Page 4 of 12)

God’s Care For His Children

One of the most well loved statements in the Bible is when God proclaims, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you. This promise of God’s care has encouraged thousands of His children throughout history. In fact, most of us may know it by memory.

This short video (Approx 5 minutes) Covers 4 passages in the Bible where God’s care through this promise , (or something close to it), comes through emphatically. it is a promise revealed to Moses and Joshua. It is also emphasized in the Book of Hebrews and in a slightly different format through the words of Jesus. References are from the Books of Deuteronomy, Joshua, Hebrews, and the Gospel of Matthew.

May this video of God’s care be a blessing and encouragement to you. If you would like to read the full sermon on this topic, please click on the link given below.

Look At God Through Your Tears And Find Victory (Psalm 30:5)

So many people have been weeping because of pain, sorrow, and losses over the past 12 months. Let’s however continue to keep our eyes focused on Jesus through our pain. Please share if you are blessed by this short video (4.42) and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

You can read the entire sermon on the link given below. Thanks.

Navigating The Future Effectively – Post COVID-19 – Video Part 2 (1 Kings 5)

Fishing in Sri Lankan Waters / Photo Credit – Vasantha Jayasooriya

This is the second part of a 3 Part video series titled “Post COVID-19: Navigating The Future Effectively. It is based around 1 Kings 5 and covers points 6-9 of the 12-Point Study.

In 1 Kings 5, Solomon had now become King over Israel, and felt the need to build the temple of God. His father David had the same dream in his heart but the Lord did not permit David to fulfil his desire (1 Chronicles 22:7-8) . David however made extensive preparations for Solomon to complete the project for God’s glory (1 Chronicles 22:5).

At this time, Hiram, the King of Tyre, sent his Ambassadors to congratulate Solomon on becoming King (I Kings 5:1). Solomon used the opportunity to ask Hiram for help to complete the massive task. According to what he proposed, Hiram would provide Solomon with the timber he needed for the building program while Solomon would pay handsomely for the timber in return (1 Kings 5:6).

As they partnered together, by God’s grace, Solomon was able to complete the project successfully. This 3 part Bible Study series covers the story behind the project. May you be blessed as you watch and may the practical steps outlined help you to overcome the challenges of COVID – 19.

Navigating The Future Effectively – Post COVID-19 – Video Part 1 (1 Kings 5)

This is the first part of a 3 Part video series titled “Post COVID-19: Navigating The Future Effectively. It is based around 1 Kings 5 and covers points 1-5 of the 12-Point Study.

In 1 Kings 5, Solomon had now become King over Israel, and felt the need to build the temple of God. His father David had the same dream in his heart but the Lord did not permit David to fulfil his desire (1 Chronicles 22:7-8) . David however made extensive preparations for Solomon to complete the project for God’s glory (1 Chronicles 22:5).

At this time, Hiram, the King of Tyre, sent his Ambassadors to congratulate Solomon on becoming King (I Kings 5:1). Solomon used the opportunity to ask Hiram for help to complete the massive task. According to what he proposed, Hiram would provide Solomon with the timber he needed for the building program while Solomon would pay handsomely for the timber in return (1 Kings 5:6).

As they partnered together, by God’s grace, Solomon was able to complete the project successfully. This 3 part Bible Study series covers the story behind the project. May you be blessed as you watch and may the practical steps outlined help you to overcome the challenges of COVID – 19.

Post COVID-19: Steps To Navigate The Future Effectively (Part 2)

A scene of a sailing boat in calm waters to show that God can calm the storms in our life because of COVID-19.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Hi Friends, in Part 1 of this Bible Study titled “Post COVID-19: Navigating The Future Effectively’, we covered 7 points from 1 Kings 5. The study covers the story behind the building of the temple of the Lord and of Solomon’s treaty with Hiram. (The link is provided at the bottom of this article). The 7 points were:

  • Ask God for unique wisdom
  • Right Partnerships
  • A clear and large vision
  • The power of delegation
  • Right Timing
  • Writing your thoughts down
  • Creating win-win situations

Today, as we conclude this study, I would like to share points 8-12. I pray they will help you to face the challenges ahead with confidence and faith!


12 Sure Steps To Navigate The Future Effectively – Post COVID-19 (I Kings 5)

Visual of a boat in serene water to show God's help through - Post COVID-19 season.
Image by Daniel Büscher from Pixabay


With lockdowns being gradually eased in many countries, people are beginning to face the uncertainty of what is termed a ‘new normal’. Job losses, pay and allowance cuts, financial losses and business closures stare us in the face. At a difficult time like this, we can however go back to the scriptures to get fresh perspective and encouragement to navigate our future Post COVID-19.

Around two years ago, I was reading through 1 Kings 5 and noted down some thoughts I gleaned then but never shared. However, at this time, I would like to put those thoughts down, 12 in all, to inspire those facing uncertainty about the future. At this point however, I would like to clarify that I am sharing these thoughts, not as an expert on business matters, but only as a Pastor.

Background To Bible Passage:

In 1 Kings 5, Solomon had now become King over Israel, and felt the need to build the temple of God. His father David had the same dream in his heart but the Lord did not permit David to fulfil his desire (1 Chronicles 22:7-8) . David however made extensive preparations for Solomon to complete the project for God’s glory (1 Chronicles 22:5).

At this time, Hiram, the King of Tyre, sent his Ambassadors to congratulate Solomon on becoming King (I Kings 5:1). Solomon used the opportunity to ask Hiram for help to complete the massive task. According to what he proposed, Hiram would provide Solomon with the timber he needed for the building program while Solomon would pay handsomely for the timber in return (1 Kings 5:6).


Psalm 91: A Message of Hope

A photo of the Holy Bible opened to the book of Psalms.

Introduction to Psalm 91

When Covid-19 swept across almost all borders, fear and anxiety gripped hearts around the world. No one seemed safe anymore and everyone was searching for methods of protection. Today, we face new and dangerous challenges. In times of crisis, however, the children of God, as it has happened right through history, can find encouragement and comfort through the promises of God. One such passage people often turn to for comfort is Psalm 91.

As I look at social media today, I find many people sharing either the entire passage of Psalm 91 or at least parts of it, to strengthen others. Through this article, I would like to share my thoughts as well regarding this beautiful Psalm. Do keep your Bible open to Psalm 91 as you read.

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