This is a 10 minute edit of a sermon that was preached at the People’s Church, Sri Lanka, on Sunday, 21st February 2016. It is based on the events surrounding Joseph being thrown into a pit by his brothers. It’s the second sermon in a series titled “Lessons From The Life Of Joseph”
Lessons from the life of Joseph – Part 2Often in life we find ourselves in a pit. It can be cased by the actions of another, or by our own doing. But even when Joseph was in the pit, God was still building a man who would find his destiny, through the trials he was going through. Even as you focus on getting from your dream to your destiny, to become the Man/Woman God wants you to be, Pastor Palitha Jayasooriya shares with us how we can get out of the ‘pit’ we are in. It might give us some insight on how we can avoid falling into a pit in the future as well.We want to encourage you to continue with a small group (cell group) for and extended study over these 6 weeks. If you are not connected to a small group or want to know more about it, speak to one of the ushers or full time pastors regarding one. We will be glad to help you.
Posted by People’s Church on Wednesday, 24 February 2016
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