Category: Sermons (Page 12 of 12)

Sermon: A God who never deserts us

Sermon: A God who never deserts us

Image credit: Daniel Santalla


I wonder how many times you have been let down by someone? There are many people who promise us that they will stand by us, no matter what comes our way. They say, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll be right behind you’. However, when trouble strikes, they desert us. In fact, many of them are so far behind that you can’t see them even with a telescope!


Sermon: 5 Ways God Spoke to Pilate

Sermon: If God could speak to Pilate, He can speak to you too (Good Friday)

Image credit: Rogerio Cunha


There is a story about a man who was concerned about what he felt was his wife’s loss of hearing. So, he decided to test it out one day while she was seated, doing some work. The man went behind her and from two separate distances called out “Can you hear me”? There was no reply on either occasion and he determined that her hearing was really bad. He finally came within earshot & once again called out, “Can you hear me”? His wife, sounding rather irritated said, “Yes John, for the third time, I can hear you”! The problem was not with his wife’s hearing, but his own hearing!


Sermon: Beautiful Acts for God (Mark 14)

Sermon on Mark 14:1-9 (Jesus anointed by a sinful woman in Bethany)

Image credit: Pexels


There is a story of a child who was slow in learning and did poorly in her first grade in school. However, when she started grade 2, her grades started to improve dramatically. The reason: her new teacher, on the first day of school, would call every student close to her and whisper something nice into their ear. When this particular child came up to the teacher, she apparently whispered into the child’s ear, “I wish I had a child like you”. That beautiful thought had a huge impact on the child and it reflected in her studies from there on!


Sermon: The Tragic Side of a Triumphant Event ( A Sermon for Palm Sunday -Luke 19)

Palm Sunday Sermon: The tragic side of a triumphant event


I read a story about a plainly dressed man who went into a church in the Netherlands one Sunday and took a seat near the pulpit. Soon a woman came along and curtly told the man that he was seated in ‘her seat’. She then asked him to leave the seat. The man apologized and apparently moved away to a pew reserved for the poor, from where he took part in the service.

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